Who we are?

Who we are?

CATI is an acronym for "Centre d'Automatisation du Traitement de l'Information". Its consits of a community of computer specialists, statisticians who share a common scientific or technic domain.

The CATI CODEX ("COnnaissance et Données EXpérimentales") bring together a set of knowledge in scientific computation and computer science. We propose an integrated approach for the analysis of experimental data, by combining know-how in data management, knowledge representation and statistics.

The CATI CODEX builds an integrated offer (methods and software) to treat data, from its acquisition to its analysis. The CATI CODEX works as a support for scientists which analyze experimental data having a multi-level and dynamic aspects (high-troughput phenotypic data from plant or yeast, vine sector).

This structure is organized around 2 axis :

  • Mathematics and statistics : this axis includes statistical analysis especially functionnal statistics (curve analysis), analysis of images or spectrum. It also includes analysis of the performance of dynamics models.
  • Informatics : this axis concerns data models (relationnal database, XML formalism) and knowledge representation (semantic grpahs, ontologies).  It also includes development of software or information systems with a know-how around sharing and diffusion.

Modification date : 18 July 2023 | Publication date : 04 January 2013 | Redactor : nom du redacteur